The reassurance of full compliance at every level
Quality Accreditation
Quality has always been an integral part of our DNA. In 2002 we achieved PRINCE GOLD® accreditation. In fact, we were the first company to do so on the first attempt with full legislative compliance.
PRINCE (Premises Inspection and Certification) is administered by Responsible Care New Zealand and requires that we comply with safety, health and environmental protection legislation. To achieve PRINCE GOLD® we must meet compliance and also demonstrate ‘best international practice’ levels.
We are an Ministry of Primary Industry (MPI) registered food importer and operate under the MPI National Programme Level 1. Our Food Safety System and our Auckland food storage site are audited annually by SGS for compliance with the HACCP Codex Alimentarius System.
Continuous Improvement
We operate an ongoing improvement system to ensure that we continue to provide you with the very best products and services.
As well as being audited by many of our major customers as part of their quality management systems, we have regular internal reviews that focus on product quality and service performance.
And we only align ourselves with suppliers that have adopted internationally accepted quality systems.
Safety, Health and the Environment
As a signatory to the Responsible Care Programme, we incorporate into our business the world ‘best practice’ standards that are relevant to the chemical industry. These include health and safety, environmental matters and product stewardship.
The health and safety of our staff and customers is fundamental to our business. So is the protection of the environment.
All of our products are packed, labelled, transported and stored according to both international and local regulations.
Proactively supporting industry standards
We actively participate in industry matters. Our compliance team makes submissions on proposed changes to legislation to government departments and industry groups. These include Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) New Zealand, the Ministry of the Environment, MPI and Responsible Care New Zealand.
We represent Responsible Care New Zealand on the Auckland Area Hazardous Substance Committee. This Committee is made up of emergency response services, enforcement agencies, Auckland Council and the Auckland District Health Board.

24-hour access to expert advice on containing and successfully managing chemical incidents